It remains mine to wonder or yours to ponder. It still baffles my imagination why some people would know what is right from wrong, good from evil and yet chose to carry out what is evil. Can there be a world where we all know what is right and do what is right without being compelled by the law to do what is right?
Illegal refuse dump by the road side
Sometime ago, I embarked on one of my regular weekly morning exercises of walking around and I came across this neighbourhood in a built up area. The neighbourhood is an average neighbourhood no doubt, with some affluent buildings around. Surprisingly, one would have thought the rich or affluent in this neighbourhood would be more conscious of doing what is fair and right in the sight of man, but in many instances, the reverse is the case.
There was this plot, though an empty parcel of land overgrown with bushes and weeds just adjacent to this magnificent mansion. But it pricks my imagination to see residents of this magnificent edifice most of the time coming out to pollute another man's environment and plot of land, just because it is un-developed.
Such misdemeanor usually creates problems for the developers when they finally decide to develop this parcel of land. But before then, it constitutes health hazards and pollution to the other members that reside on this same street. Rather than complain, the other occupants of the street also contribute to the heap of rubbish used to pollute an innocent man's plot of land.
In some very dare cases, this heap of rubbish (household jetsams and flotsams) and sometimes all the leftovers from meals are dumped at the corner of the street, with reckless abandon.
Though we use to have health inspectors, so one would think, but I think the health inspectors are better at inspecting their own pockets!