Some years ago, he was still in his teens. He was my senior in age and I looked up to him like a role model. He was everything I had wanted to be like. He was responsible, intelligent, ambitious and diligent. He had a lot of dreams and visions. But all that changed when he was brainwashed with the chance of a better life in a far away land.
He was taken to a destination, I know not. But some say it was the Middle East. I heard he mixed up with the wrong crowd and was found in the wrong place and at the wrong time. He was locked up for a number of years, maybe ten years or more. Some say it was drugs he got involved with, others say he was innocent but was found at the wrong place with the wrong crowd. But today, the person I once admired and looked up to like a role model is now a shadow of himself. I couldn’t bear to ask him how it all happened for fear I might even hurt him more, let alone talk about it. Some say he has gone psycho, others say he had been so hurt that he isn’t normal anymore. He doesn’t even remember who he used to be. Whatever happened to those ambitions and visions of his teenage years? What ever happened to those dreams? All is now gone with the times. How he has changed so much. Sometimes I can barely recognise him. He just lives like nothing had happened, but just a faint shadow of his former self. My heart bleeds for you. I wish I can turn back the clock of life and put it back to the days when all was well, when we were all innocent and just sweet little kids. I am sorry you found the wrong side of life.....How my heart bleeds for you! | |