A friend once asked what the biggest miracle in my life was, that I could recount. She needed an inspiring real life story to inspire at the moment. I thought long and hard and then related this story to her. I have decided to share it here again, unedited. It was fun and it brought back some pleasant memories to me too.
I had almost forgotten about this experience, until she asked this question. And after a quick thought at my life to remember what my biggest miracle could have been. Here is what i related to her, as i slowly recalled this fascinating and wonderful experience, pondering how I could have survived, but grateful I did survive.
,.for the biggest miracle in my life. ,. here is one that easily comes to my mind right now. ,.as it was related to me by my parents, who are still together and alive. It happened a long time ago, probably in the early 80s or there about. ,. I was so young and fell ill as a toddler. ,.my parents tried local remedies but could not solve it ,. so they took me to the hospital ,. a military hospital ,. then in Lagos, Nigeria.
while at the hospital my parents were awaiting treatment for me ,. and meanwhile the other kid patients in the hospital receiving treatments were dying overnight and their parents wailing and shouting and crying. ,. probably after they must have given them injections. whether it was the wrong injection or the wrong doses they were given which caused their deaths. I can not say for sure. ,.but what was clear was that their condition worsened right after they were given doses of the injection and they died afterwards. But meanwhile, it was to be my turn in the morning for the injection.
**I have to break it here, to send it so I don't loose it on the mobile.**
(As I was saying), it was to be my turn for the injections in the morning ,. even though the doctors knew the kids were dying of the so called treatment, ,. they went on with the treatment anyway. ,.trust soldiers ,.perhaps no human feelings. ,.well it was to be some couple of hours before it would be my turn for the round of the death injections. My parents were scared! ,.my dad ,.though a soldier, wept at the sight of seeing other people loose their kids and the thought of losing me made them even frightened.
So, my dear mum took just one last leap of faith. She told my dad that she didn't believe the doctors would help. If I was allowed to remain their at the hospital till morning, I would probably be among the unlucky dead. She took me against the doctors advice and made for home right then with my dad who was still in the army then. And they had to carry me without taking the treatment, in the middle of the night, out of the hospital to our home.
My mum said she wept all through the night, with my father by my side and then too, I was the only child and the first too. Losing a first child would be very devastating for any young mother. My mum though maybe a little stubborn, but the fear of losing me, and seeing other mothers lose their own children was too painful for her to bear. ,. so with this pain in her heart about losing me, she took me out of the hospital against doctors orders even if it was a military hospital.
But when they took me home, fearing I might not see the next day and contemplating on what to do and where to take me to, as soon as it should be morning. That night, I slept long and hard like I had never slept before. When it was morning, they bath me because I sweated through the night and when I was been fed, I suddenly developed appetite and ate well.
Next moment, I was up and about playing, and my mum was over joyed. I did not take no treatment again. And, I did not see the hospital for quite a long time. Because, with my mother's faith perhaps, I was saved. And, a grown up now, when I look back to those years, I can't help but love my mum, because her faith saved my life. Maybe, because God had a reason for keeping me, otherwise I could have been among the unlucky dead!
,. I hope it wasn't too long? ,. I'm just too lazy to get on the computer tonight. ,. rather, it's the mobile ,. and with my head turned upside down, and my legs up the wall,. ,. enjoying the posture before sleep sweeps me away. ;)