Karma is a bitch ..and sooner or later, it will bite you.
This story I am going to relate is real life. Its an observation of some other peoples lives that prompts curiosity and wonder.
There was this young man, growing up back in the days. He was dis-abled. ..not from birth though, but from circumstances that could have been his own doing. And hence the framing of this title as such.
But it is all memories now, because he passed away long ago. This writeup is not about bashing or blame. But just trying to find any logical connection to his actions and what befell him afterwards.
So it was said by people who knew him back then. That he was radical and stubborn. Maybe exhibiting too much of the youthful exuberance as is common with young people. But then if allowed unchecked. The consequences are dire. When put into wrong use.
He was born normal and healthy, growing up to be a fine young man was everybodys dream. But then something happenned. It was an accident scene. And it was fatal. People got there to rescue the victims. But perhaps they were not fast enough, the accident victims died
Then this young man, who was neither related to the accident victim, nor a close friend, went about picking stuff, like robbing the dead victims. The temptations of youth he could not resist. He grabbed the wriste watch of the dead victim and maybe some other personal effects and made away with them. To enjoy his loot.
But it didn't take long afterwards, something befell him too, or he probably had an accident too. But in his own case, he survived. But he became deformed. His deformity and movements became so ackward that though he could move. But in a strange and ackward way.
Years later, he took his own life.
..just another drama from across the street.