Nigeria Historical Currencies

Currencies that have been used by Nigeria since independence

N5,000. Proposed date of release was 2013. But it was our bone of contention, with many people opposing it in discussion forums and it generated a lot of public outrage; and finally, the people won. it was never released.

N1,000 Naira Note. Date released: 12th October, 2005.

N200 Note. Date released: 1st November, 2000.

N100 Note. Date released: 1st December, 1999

N50 Note. Date released: 28th February, 2007

N20 Note. Date released: 28th February, 2007

withdrawn in 1977

N5 Note Dimensions 130mm x 72mm Date Released 28th February, 2007. Past Issues of this note Withdrawn in February, 2007

Withdrawn in 1984

2 Naira Coin Dimension: 24.50mm Weight: 5.5gm Material: Copper plated Steel Date Released 28th February, 2007

N1 Coin Dimension: 27.50 mm Weight: 12.000gm Material: Brass Plated Steel Date Released 28th February, 2007

Withdrawn in 1991

Past Issues of this note Withdrawn in June 2007