Simple home remedy for rough and cracked feet

Its the season again. The harmattan, when weather conditions are harsher, drier, hotter and more dehydrating too. This tells more on some people than others.

Rough and cracked feet could as well be a seasonal problem for some people. While some are so lucky never to experience it.

Some common causes of cracked feet.
*Hereditary: When ones parents or grand parents have this condition already, then it could also manifest in someone or ones children and grand children too.

*Dehydration: When the weather is harsh, hot and dry and dehydrating, like we have during the harmattan season. This condition is common during this period for some people.

*Ailment: It could also be a result of some ailment yet to be manifested

Simple solutions
If the condition is very severe, for example where the roughness and cracked state of ones feet is sore and so hard and painful, then the person should seek medical treatment.

While in other conditions not so severe but just mild, the person should do the following:
*Drink plenty of water during the day to avoid dehydration.
*Take more care of your feet, like pampering the feet every morning. Soak the feet in warm mild( not hot) but gentle warm bucket of water for a few minutes every morning.

*Rub the feet with moisturizing cream like Nivea or any other available, to keep the feet moist and not too dry.

*Rub the feet with coconut oil, every time after bathing
*Rub vaseline jelly cream on the feet every morning after bathing
*Always wear covered shoes so the feet are well covered during this period, avoid palm sanders.
*Use a special kind of stone to scrub the feet during bathing( ask for this special stone in your local market)

As always, every good thing takes time and patience, you may have to be persistent and patient with this, to see results.
